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Money, money, money...there's more where that's coming from...

I had the Supervisor's meeting playing while working on other news bits for the website yesterday. Kind of like background noise. Nothing much out of the ordinary was on the agend. That is until it was time for the budget hearing. If you've ever sat in on a budget meeting, it will take all you have to not let your eyes glaze over. So honestly, I was expecting it to be that kind of meeting.

Letter to the Editor: Hamas and Palestinian groups in our universities

Dear Editor:Americans Will Always Do the Right Thing — After Exhausting All the Alternatives.  Winston Churchill.  I pray that is SO! I am a Christian – a Catholic. I stand with the Jews of Israel and our Nation. They have the right to survive and they have the right to wage War until Hamas and Palestinian sympathizers are destroyed or have surrendered and laid down their arms!   I remember the stories told of the holocaust.
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Letter to the Editor: Volunteer Appreciation Month Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,April is Volunteer Appreciation Month, and I want to attest to the incredible impact that caring volunteers make in the lives of others in our community. Compassus is an organization that cares for individuals experiencing life-limiting illnesses, and the kind words, warm smiles and other efforts of the volunteers who generously give their time to bring comfort to others is something we should all take time to recognize and celebrate.

Stop Appointing Council Members. It’s Time We Start Voting!

Dear Editor,The 4th Ward councilperson, Bethany Gates, has resigned, effective May 1st.  Tonight the Council is going to announce that they intend to fill that vacancy by appointment.  I do not agree with that decision.  I am announcing that I will be beginning a petition requesting a special election to fill the vacancy, so if you live in the 4th Ward, I may be stopping at your house.

Letter to the editor: Failure to Comply

Dear Editor, Today was yet another supervisor meeting. While today seemed calmer, and it makes me wonder if it was due to two missing ingredients, I am noticing something after reviewing previous terms on a settlement they had with the former Board of Health. I had pulled a copy of that and was looking it over.The supervisors were to receive open records training according to that settlement.
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Supervisor notes for 4/2/24 (Part 2)

---Warning, it's a long one but will answer questions.In the second half of the Supervisor's meeting, the meeting was turned over to Sue Wilber the Benton County Human Resource Director, who according to the agenda had an update. She talked for more than 15 minutes after saying she had allegedly been approached by one staff member and one nonstaff member to clarify concerns or misconceptions.

Letter to the Editor: Capt Gary Barnhill - F-105 pilot based in Udorn Thailand

Editor:I was based at  UpTApao Royal Thai Navy Airfield - ThailandOne of my last refueling flights in Thailand was a cell of two KC-135s and a flight of 4 F-105 out of Udorn Thailand - going not know where.  Wolf Flight had their names on their canopy rails.  All were Majors and above.  On this flight Wolf 3 crashed.  Not knowing why, but we learned he was on his 99th mission.


It's funny how the game of basketball conjures up memories for me, and not good ones. When I was a teenager, baseball/softball was more my game. That started in the backyard of the neighbor. Being the chubby player in high school, it was assumed that for sure I couldn't hit a baseball. Every time I stepped up to bat, the players moved in. I knew that if I could get them to move up to the baseline, I had 'em.
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Happy Easter!

Hopefully, most of you will be able to spend time with your family this weekend.  The kids will be able to enjoy the Easter Egg Hunt provided by the local Kiwanis Club with the help of the residents at Windsor Manor and the Easter Bunny of course. Traditions are something that you don't realize until you're a bit older that you can look back on with a fond memory.

“Cor·rup·tion” Defined

First I need to set the record straight. If you read the last opinion piece about the “F***” word....In that article I misspoke in the section concerning the role of the sheriff in the narrative. He was requested by Mr. Ben to be a witness to the removal of the camera. My heartfelt apologies to the Sheriff for getting that part wrong and I wanted to correct that for the public at the top of this article.
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