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Letter to the Editor: Time for Some Honesty About Water Rates

Dear Editor, On February 8, the City will, or already did (depending on when you read this), raise water and sewer rates. The citizens have been told that rate increases are needed to replace the antiquated water and sewer plants. Well, that is only partially true. If you looked closely at the worksheets from the November 27th work session, you would see that the City was presented with two sewer scenarios: Scenario 1 is a new 12 million dollar sewer plant, Scenario 2 is doing nothing to the sewer plant.

Quilts of Valor and Vinton loses a special lady

Rita with her favorite Dr. Song at her last Veteran's assembly last November Last October I had a call from Rita Moore. She was really excited about the quilt that she was going to present at the Veteran's Assembly at the school. "I'm going to be presenting a quilt to Dr. Song!" She had talked with me often about her doctor and what a great guy he was, how much she liked him and how he was the smartest guy around. So I knew this one was a special quilt for her to present.
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Fired Board of Health gets, "You Can't Fight City Hall" Plaques

Updated:In a move that is quite frankly a bit odd, the Benton County Board of Supervisors presented the fired Board of Health members with a plaque at Tuesday's Board of Supervisor meeting.I'm not sure if presenting fired county volunteers with plaques is a thing now or what. Of course, in the history of the county, I'm not sure how many volunteers actually get fired, but the former Board of Health did following a misunderstanding between the Benton County Board of Supervisors and the Benton County Board of Health.

Letter to the Editor: I believe in Climate Change

I also believe:  Bill Gates and John Kerry are friends of the little man.The people attending the meetings in Davos are looking out for my interests. There is no lawfare in the USA.Fani Willis is a credible prosecutor.Antifa and BLM are good. Proud Boys and Oath keepers are bad…just look at the millions of dollars of destruction they have done.

Letter to the Editor: Climate vs. Weather

Editor: Do you remember your geography studies from Elementary School?  I remember studding the various countries the borders climate, major crops and exports, and their religion.  Perhaps there were other subjects as well, but good grief that was in the 40’s -- yep long time ago.  We seem to confuse climate with weather when so-called climate change is mentioned by the press or by John Kerry or Al Gore.
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Snowplows, drivers, water mains, those that do work in these conditions

A plow clearing Highway 218 northwest of Vinton last week. The storms that came through Benton County put a strain on the plows like nothing we've seen, probably in my lifetime. With two foot of snow and temperatures that froze the snow solid, the roads were nearly impossible to clear. Just when we thought that was over, we had blowing snow causing drifting adding more issues to the already cleared roads, and more trouble for snow plows still trying to break through the roads.

The driveway dilema...

Ice and I have an agreement. "Don't tread on me," says the ice, "and I won't throw you on the ground and give you a concussion." I have a lot of respect for that. So that is where the quandary of what to do came from. Since the streets are pretty smooth with snow coverage, and it's supposed to rain the next few days, that spells trouble for me, and I know it.

Letter to the Editor: Where are the standards?

To The Editor,As someone who occasionally submits comments to the opinion page, I would like to ask the editor to abide by their own rules that are placed on the “Leave a Comment” page which a person has to click to agree before submitting the comment. These rules are:Your name is requiredBe politeWill you wish that you wouldn't have said this tomorrow? If so, edit your commentDisagree politely with ideas shared, don't make it personalVinton Today has the right to refuse any comments that are deemed inappropriateUnfortunately, these standards are being ignored by the editor allowing personal attacks between writers.
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Letter to the Editor: Re: Digestive Gases

Editor:Previous article digestive gases:  Thus:DE:  your post; firstly I never said I did auto body work.  However I built an airplane out of aluminum and fiberglass.  And after six years of work I flew it for the first time.  I do have the experience as I was a jet pilot in the USAF and an airline pilot in all two positions plus Captain amassing over 17,500 hours in the air and over 31 years on the seniority list.

Candidate Ryan Binkley moves up to 4th place in the race with 765 votes, sorta

Immediately following the release of the caucus results and the announcement that Vivek Ramaswamy was dropping out, presidential "candidate" Ryan Binkley announced that he was now in the top four. The guy has a shot after all. With 765 votes out of a population of 3,123,899 I don't want to be one of Job's friends to this guy who is also a preacher, but now would be the time for a miracle.
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