Dear Editor, 

On May 18th this AM Representative Mike Gallager (R) Wisconsin speaking on Fox News reported testimony from the Department of Defense Inspector General to the Foreign Services Committee that:

1.        5,000 prisoners located at Bagram Air Base were released in the summer of 2020 and later more were released that fall.  Note Joe Biden was President; this release happened on his "Watch".

2.       The Afghani Army depended on American Contractors to provide air cover.  When President Biden withdrew from Bagram in the middle of the night without notice to the Afghani government the army air cover was lost, which led to massive desertions.

3.       In the opinion of Representative Gallager (Marine Vet. and Intelligence Officer) President Biden's actions (or lack thereof) were responsible for the empowerment of Al Queada and the subsequent murder of 13 U.S. Service members and many civilians at Kabul.

4.       Following is a partial reference To Bill Orielly's latest nonfiction Killing the Killers - page 245 - thus:

Abdul Rahman Al Lugari (the bomber) was a former engineering student known to the CIA as a member of the Islamic State - Khorasan --- ISIS-K.   He was plotting a suicide bombing in New Delhi, India tipped off by the CIA he was arrested by Indian authorities and later turned over to the United States.  He remained in U. S. custody until Kabal fell.  ----- Now the man stands fifteen feet from the nearest Marine.   ----- Al Logari hates the United States having only recently escaped custody at Bagram Air Bases.  --- He is wearing a lethal suicide vest weighting 25 pounds; which he detonates killing 13 Marines and one Navy Corpsman.  …..As well as many civilians.

The blood of these service members is in the hands of this Present Administration.  Robert Gates DOD Director under two Presidents has stated that Joe Biden has not been right on foreign policy matters in four decades - now going on the fifth.  Also, President Obama has stated - to not overlook the ability of Joe to f*** things up.  The screw-ups are getting more and more numerous; don't look to the mainstream media to report these matters as they are his biggest defenders.

We cannot suffer fools much longer.  May providence protect us.


John Stiegelmeyer


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RS May 20, 2022, 12:48 pm Hate to mess up your day but 1. is wrong President Biden was elected in Nov. 2022 and did not take office until Jan. 20, 2021. But guess who was and other writers have been trying to point this out but you refuse to admit it that it was Trump who released those terrorists not President Biden. Makes me wonder just how many other things that you write are incorrect and this one was so easy.
BL May 20, 2022, 1:09 pm Trump was president till January 20th 2021. Biden took office January 20th 2021. Looks like Trump released those 5000, get your facts straight
NG May 20, 2022, 3:39 pm John, you have to always fact check what you hear on Fox and from republicans. trump is the one who released the 5000 prisoners. President Biden was sworn in in January of 2021. The prisoners were released in 2020 so it was trump that did that. republicans go on Fox and lie so that all you gullible people watching will believe everything they say. Looks like it is working.

The Trump administration negotiating directly with the Taliban, getting ready to invite them to Camp David, opening up a prison of 5,000 Taliban and probably ISIS-K individuals and letting them free," Romney said on CNN’s "State of the Union."

Romney said that it was not known whether some of the prisoners released were involved in the airport attack, but that Trump administration decisions "led to what you're seeing and the danger that exists at the airport."

And this: Mike Pompeo, Trump’s secretary of state, said on Feb. 29, 2020, that the agreement "entails a promise from the Taliban that terrorists can never again operate from Afghan soil." By August 2020, news reports said that the Afghan government, which was not a signatory in the Taliban-U.S. deal, had released 4,600 Taliban prisoners after pressure from the Trump administration. Afghan officials considered the release of 400 other prisoners problematic because they had committed major crimes, Voice of America reported.

"We acknowledge that the release of these prisoners is unpopular," Pompeo said Aug. 6. "But this difficult action will lead to an important result long sought by Afghans and Afghanistan’s friends: reduction of violence and direct talks resulting in a peace agreement and an end to the war."
Were trump and pompeo so stupid that they believed that the Taliban and Isis would suddenly become good guys? Evidently yes.

Trump said: "We can and should get out earlier" because 19 years in Afghanistan is "far too much and way too long." The former Republican commander-in-chief continued that he made "early withdrawal possible by already pulling much of our billions of dollars of equipment out" and reducing the number of troops in Afghanistan to fewer than 2,000 from 16,000.

I am sure if trump had done the withdrawal you would have thought it was wonderful. I didn't fact check the rest of your information but since it came from a republican on Fox I would take it with a grain of salt.

Norma Gould.
RS May 20, 2022, 6:52 pm I see that I typed the wrong date for the election. I should read the election was 2020 and the beginning of the new administration 2021.
JS May 24, 2022, 6:34 pm The date is is error. Sorry for the error. Kabal fell in Aug os 2021. The date of O Riellys book for the bomber is correct.

To err is human and I regret the wrong date. What I should have stated is that Pres. Trump planned for a withdrawel of May of 2021, and that Pres Biden lengthen the date to August of that year

I sent a note as followup to VintonToday that I have made an error in date, but that note fell through the cracks. Sorry.

I will endeavor to be accurate in the future.