Dear Editor,

This spring, Benton County and rural Linn County Republicans face a situation again that we faced just two years ago: a contested senate primary. Due to redistricting, Benton County and some areas of Linn County now fall within newly drawn Senate District 42, leaving us with a new open seat.

In the words of Michael Scott, 'the dictionary defines superlative as of the highest kind, quality, or order; surpassing all else or others; supreme'. It is my opinion that there is one candidate of the three that stands above the rest, and meets this very apt definition.

Colman Silbernagel is 100% pro-life from conception to natural death. He will fight for legislation that not only calls for an end to abortion but improves the options available to assist women facing unplanned pregnancies. Colman supports HJR5, the joint resolution that would amend the state constitution to state that Iowa does not recognize, grant, or secure a right to abortion, and also supports a personhood amendment and legislation.

Colman is a decorated combat veteran of the U.S. Army. He made his way through the ranks and was honorably discharged as a Captain. His military experience proves immense leadership capability and a unique understanding of veterans' issues. Colman will work to advance legislation that improves healthcare options for veterans of the armed forces. He also favors creating legislation that allows military veterans to use their military education and training to gain licensure in their appropriate fields. Our military sacrifices so much for us, and Colman wants to make sure we take care of those who have put their lives on the line for our nation.

Colman is a staunch defender of the 2nd amendment and is supportive of the Freedom Amendment, which would add an amendment to the Iowa Constitution recognizing the right of our citizens to keep and bear arms. Further, Colman will oppose legislation that seeks to inhibit the restriction of 2nd amendment rights. He believes that law-abiding citizens should not be punished for exercising their right to keep and bear arms.

Colman is a believer in school choice and supports legislation that allows the money to follow the student whether they attend public or private school. Colman believes the school choice bill does not go far enough and would work to eliminate restrictions on income and the number of students served by the current school choice bill. Colman doesn't want to favor laws that promote private schools over public schools but wants to improve legislation that allows public schools to flourish. Colman believes that parents have a fundamental right in choosing how they educate their families and that parents should have the ability to see what their kids are being taught and to encourage changes where change is needed.

Colman supports working towards the full abolishment of state income tax as revenues continue to grow through sales tax and other revenue streams. Colman believes we can hold the line on spending and continue to decrease our income tax through systematic reduction.

On June 7th, we have the opportunity to cast our vote for the Republican who will appear on the ballot in November to represent Senate District 42. I urge Republicans to vote for Colman Silbernagel, the candidate who is of the highest kind, quality, and order.


Ashley Hesson


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TF May 18, 2022, 10:44 pm Thanks for the article, Ashley, admittedly I haven't been keeping up with Iowa politics as I should this cycle. You did say one thing that intrigued me and again it's because I haven't been keeping up with things. To quote, "He will fight for legislation that not only calls for an end to abortion but improves the options available to assist women facing unplanned pregnancies." I'm wondering what those options are. Thanks for any clarification!
DG May 19, 2022, 1:06 pm Nicely written editorial, Ashley! I agree with you 100%!
CS May 19, 2022, 2:32 pm Hello Todd! Thank you so much for your comment.

I believe Iowa law should consistently reflect the truth that life begins at conception. Rather than "Certificate of Live Birth", which my son received when he was born, we should return to "Certificate of Vital Record", which my wife received. The "Certificate of Vital Record" would be issued to parents when a mother is confirmed pregnant and would entitle the parents to claim the child on their taxes, would make them eligible for any state aid that would apply, and would, if applicable, require an absent father to begin making child support payments. Life begins at conception, and all Iowa's laws should be consistent with that.

If you have additional questions or would like further clarification, please feel free to give me a call at 319-214-3463 or visit my website Thank you!
KK May 20, 2022, 9:30 pm Isn’t it wonderful to have so many topics to choose from? I choose the abolishment of taxes on income in favor of sales taxes and “other sources of income.” Income tax hits those who earn the most while sales tax and lottery income hits those who earn the least. At least what you value is clear for all to see.