Blessed Hope Community Church will be suspending all activities at the church building and at the Revolution building. Those buildings will be shut down.

We will be launching on-line church during this time. On-line service will be held on Sunday mornings at 9:30. The service can be watched live on facebook or for people that don't have facebook - they can watch it on youtube during the same time. We are encouraging families to gather during that time to worship together.

Prior to our on-line service, Shawna Kurtz will be posting children's content (at 9:00) so that families with children can gather to have children's church as well. Shawna and her team are also working hard to get content out and stay connected to their students in Middle School and High School.

We will also be suspending small groups at this time. Small groups have the choice to either shut down early or simply to pick back up and finish the semester after 4/10.

It is our intention to help those in the body - making sure to meet one another's needs during this difficult time. If you or anyone in the body has a need - please get ahold of us so that we can a church meet it.

For those outside the church seeking assistance, we will be working to publish a community resource page and we will be working to partner with local agencies to meet needs as they arise.

Please stay connected with our facebook page and our website for updated information and daily connection from our staff and elders.


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