
Letter to the Editor: T'aint funny no more

Dear Editor;Where has the humor gone?My goodness, it seems forever that I’ve heard a funny story; told by a real storyteller to boot.  When you get a goodie to pass on, one discovers just one-half of your audience might get the punch line, especially from the younger generation.  And, of course, one must be careful not to make fun of someone or something.

Around the town

There are times that I look at the things our little town has created. I don't even notice them sometimes because I'm just used to seeing them. We are used to our awesome play areas for our kids, courtesy of the Vinton Parks and Rec Department, the pickleball courts, parks, the splash pad and pool. There are benches, new pavilions, water fountains and I'm sure other things I'm not even thinking about.

Letter to the Editor: Robert Kennedy Jr.

Dear Editor:Another Podcast from KXEL Jacobson.  Runs on KXEL Saturday mornings a 7;30 AM and repeats on Sunday afternoonhttps://kxel.com/jacobsen/Go to the 7:09 Mark or thereabouts and continue to 23:19;  Robert Kennedy Jr. has been demonized  by Democrats the reason probably is that he is critical of the big money donors to the DNC and Democrats in general -  among his criticism are Pharma, Renewables, Medical elites Covid treatments, Ukraine war, and others.

KS newspaper raid draws plenty of attention, but journalists defy threats

By CLAY WIRESTONE ǀ KANSAS REFLECTORAfter Kansas Reflector reported on the ignominious and unconstitutional raid of the Marion County Record on Aug. 11, news outlets and commentators from across Kansas and the nation followed suit throughout the weekend. The voices of those who value a free press and free expression were overwhelming in their force and intensity.

Scammers are out again

I had a note from a "friend" asking if I used Amazon. Having just placed an Amazon order I thought it was referring to something else. So I said, "Yep." I thought this was odd because I never talked via email with this guy. Usually, if there is an issue that we need to discuss it's on the phone or in person. I suspected that I might be talking to a scammer so I answered in one word answers.

Letter to the Editor: Hyperbaric O2 chamber for COVID?

Editor: https://kxel.com/jacobsen/      --- Go to 41:30 mark or thereabouts and listen to the discussion concerning hyperbaric chambers for treatment.Above is a link to Saturday's broadcast on KXEL -- morning.   I think about 7:00 a.m. or thereabouts.IS THIS A GAME CHANGER?  Anyway, MRNA vaccine or hyperbaric chambers for disease treatment or cure.

When the 2nd Cousin One Time Removed and the Third Cousin and I get together

While I love genealogy, I don't understand the whole, 5th cousin 20 times removed thing. All I know is that somewhere in those family trees, we're all related. I've often wished that in Vinton we could do a "Vinton Family Tree." My kids used to roll their eyes at being "related to everyone." Hey, it happens when great-grandpa was one of a dozen kids and lived on a farm next to the farm where great-grandma was one of a dozen kids.

Letter to the Editor: Trump brought it on himself

To The Editor,I have bit my tongue over the last couple of years when a group of so-called no-it-all’s have opined about those bad, bad Democrats and President Biden being the source of every problematic issue that arises. When someone tries to counter the lies exaggerations, and inaccuracies, they are met with vicious name-calling and insults.

Watching from the sidelines

This job is sometimes weird. Only because of the range of emotions that you go through in a single day. Most days begin with cracking open the laptop to see what needs to be put on the website. That means looking through obituaries from around the area to see who needs to be included aka who is from Benton County. Sometimes the ages of those who have passed affect me with, "they're younger than I am" or "they lived a very long life.

When it feels like You matter...every 4 years

Florida Governor and Presidential Candidate Ron DeSantis made a stop in Vinton on Saturday On Saturday, Governor Ron DeSantis one of the many Republican presidential candidates, made his way to the metropolis of Vinton for a meet-and-greet type stop. Arriving in the campaign bus, escorted by the State Patrol, they arrived half an hour behind schedule, but with good reason. They spotted the home of Peg Kelley on the route and had to stop to thank her for her support.
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