Don’t do away with county compensation boards
By Robert LeonardSome of the very worst elected public officials in Iowa are members of our county boards of supervisors. Sure, there are some fine ones, but many don’t have the sense God gave a goose.I’ve covered boards of supervisors meetings in seven different counties over the years, and generally, I’m not impressed. One supervisor engaged in repeated acts of domestic violence; another’s sole purpose of being on the board was to make sure he got enough gravel on the road in front of his house.
Letter to the Editor: Benton Community special election
Dear Editor, Striking to me how many citizens opt out of local and national elections. Case in point, 75% of eligible voters decided to stay home for Monday's Special election, wonder how many of these citizens will complain of the results? Mark Paulsen
Be careful who you vote for
The cat is out of the bag. If you want to win in Benton County, you have to run as a Republican. There's nothing like hearing a political candidate tell a crowd that when asked what party they would be registering as. It's out there. Gone are the days when a label meant you stood for certain things. Now we are playing a shell game, but then, it IS politics.
Letter to the Editor: Trump speaks code to his followers
Dear Editor:Beware of people who are oblivious to the obvious. People who lose an election, and believe they won. Not based on evidence. But based on what they “feel.”I am a Conservative. Many Republicans today delude themselves by calling me a RINO (Republican In Name Only). True Conservatives believe in the Constitution, Democracy, and the rule of law.
Letter to the Editor: Is this right?
Dear Editor, Upon reading the last few days; I think there is some unfair and unjust things going on. The following is a quote:Seeman Moved/Primmer seconded: To authorize posting of the vacant transportation director position and to change some of the language to include Class CDL license or to obtain within 6 months, preferred Salary range $55-$60,000 and to have skills in scheduling and mechanical experience.
Letter to the Editor: B.B.B.
Dear Editor, What is B.B.B. you ask. If some of you recall some of my contributions to the "Editorial" part of Vinton Today, you may know I coined the letters for BIDEN'S BIGGEST BLUNDER that began with his first day in the White House when he rolled back the border security measures. And his WELCOME WAGON sign started flashing. Come One; Come All.
To my readers
The last several weeks have been a struggle to get Vinton Today to some of you and some days it's been a battle to get anything out to ALL of you! For a few weeks now we've been battling a case of "blacklisting" of the website. Blackllisting means that some computer somewhere has decided that since there's not a good reason to have a website with so much traffic in the middle of cornfields is HAS to be a spam site.
Our Supervisors only get "part time" pay: Poor, poor, rich men

Letter to the Editor: Statistics and are they true?
Dear Editor, To D.E. and others --- Thus: total abortions 1973 – 2021 – 63,459,781 -- from a google search. That is 48 years. Thus 63,459,781 Divided by 48 = 13,220,078 divided by 365 = 3,622 per day. Your math sucks and anyway, if I am off by a few thousand – does it make a difference? Still, millions of preborns were killed.
Letter the Editor: Leading cause of death
Dear Editor:What is the leading cause of death in the U. S. of A?1.Cancer2.Heart disease3 Fentanyl laced drugs for an open Southern Border4 None of the aboveNumber 4 is correct. The real answer = abortion.Think about it - 3,000 a day..Regards,John Stiegelmeyer