June 2, 2020 at 9:00 a.m.

Benton County GIS Room-Basement of Courthouse

** Agenda is not printed in any particular order, only time specific items will be addressed at

certain times

1. 9:00 A.M. Call to Order

2. Approve minutes from Tuesday May 26, 2020 and Friday May 29, 2020

3. 9:05 A.M. Sheriff RE: Approve hire of 2 part-time correctional officers

4. 9:35 A.M. Approve Secondary Roads Union Contract

5. Discuss/Approve Policy and Procedures to open back up to the public due to COVID

-Public Entry-Employees, PPE and precautions, work from home

6. Benton County Conservation Re: Campground update/approve changes due to COVID

7. Reports - committee meetings, liaison, Etc.

8. New/Old Business/Public Interest Comments

9. Adjourn


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