By Dave Nagle

President Joe Biden performed a remarkable, some would say historical, State of the Union address that sent Democratic hopes soaring toward his reelection chances. He was sharp, on occasion humorous, and handled the Republican challenges well.

Many of his party members felt he had laid to rest the question of his age. Cash contributions to his campaign and the Democratic National Committee reached near record totals. What now, given his opponents own struggles, could possibly go wrong?

I am a centrist Democrat, I know what could go wrong. Will Rogers was right when he said, "I belong to no organized political party, I am a Democrat." This is what could go wrong. Former President Donald Trump is running against a Democrat, and we are skilled in turning victory into defeat. Too many examples exist to cite them all, but more than one come to mind.

Remember, as much of the Republican Party likes to express frustration with the far-right wing of their own party, the donkeys have a very similar problem on the far left or the so-called ultra liberals. They are born with a streak of dissatisfaction, and they feel their constitutional right to remain so until death or the arrival of utopia here on earth, which ever first occurs.

In Biden's reelection effort, the first factor to consider should be cumulation. Our national media, to prove their coverage of President Donald Trump wasn't biased, decided to report on the Biden presidency with a very critical eye, which the left decided to enhance with a slogan of "never good enough." Thus, whatever the president achieved, for example a diplomatic miracle in recognizing, warning, and then marshalling the assets to defend against Russia's decision to invade Ukraine basically occurred without praise from his own party.

Another illustration would be the passage of a real bipartisan infrastructure bill, including highways rebuilt, broadband expanded, and utilities aided, and from the left came the condemning observation that it wasn't enough.

A second limitation on the president's chances is the realistic observation that many on the far left are reluctant to support him. Ironically, Trump faces the same erosion of support from his moderate GOP base. It almost seems the election will be decided by attrition. Our commander-in-chief may well gain former Trump voters, but at the same time lose leftist Dems at the same or higher rate. I am inclined to believe that more Republican moderates will vote for Biden, if only as the lesser of two evils. Purist Democrats, who expect perfection from their elected leaders, could well vote simply "none of the above."

Recent polls should also temper Democratic optimism. In Michigan, a state the president must carry, Trump comes in a 40% in a CNN poll released March 22, while Biden was at 34%. Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at 18% and independent Cornel West had 4%. Biden is running only 16 points above a fringe candidate.

Nationally, the latest CBS News poll shows Trump at 52% and at Biden 48%. Firmly illustrating the president's problem was that, within Michigan, Biden's approval rating was an astonishing low 70%, while Trump's stood at 80%.

This brings us to the beauty of business, art, and the science of political life. Each individual voter has the right to cast their ballot as they deem appropriate. The narrow view holds that they should vote for who they feel is the best candidate irrespective of whether that individual has a realistic chance of prevailing. The late Sen. George McGovern rose in the polls just before the 1984 caucus results were announced by urging caucus attenders to "vote your conscience."

But what good is an individual's belief if their vote results in the election of the person they most want to defeat? This year, the day after the election, if you are a Democrat and didn't vote for Biden, when you are asked "Who did you vote for?" tell the truth and say with pride, "I voted to make Donald Trump president."

Trump will win, not because significant numbers of Republicans left him, which they will, but because more Democrats didn't back their own party's nominee.

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PK March 27, 2024, 4:49 pm Biden isn't showing his age??? How in the world did he cross the Francis Scott Key Bridge on a train for so many commutes without tracks???

His mind has been "derailed" for a long time now.
Maybe some Democrats just prefer NOT to see his many many faults!!!
GB March 28, 2024, 7:17 am Not sure how anyone with an ounce of common sense could vote for Biden, especially after his first term. I see very few Biden/ Harris bumper stickers and finding people who actually admit to voting for him is like locating an extinct species.
The Democratic Party left its base and its principles of supporting hard-working Americans and taking care of Americans first. The main focus has become gender confusion, a war on Christians and Socialism.
That is why Biden will lose the election. Nothing else. The Democrats would have been wise to support Kennedy and dump Biden the first time he stumbled and fell, humbled through a speech and when his illegal possession of classified documents was found in an open garage and even Chinatown! He is too feeble and frail to prosecute yet perfectly fit to run our country??? The man (if he actually is a man and hasn't passed that pronoun on to Jill) is a corrupt fool.
RB March 28, 2024, 1:41 pm If Biden loses it’s because millions of Americans have lost their way and support a rapist, racist, insurrectionist, fraudulent scum. Don’t know how else to put it. Memories must be short because they don’t remember what 2020 was like. Biden inherited a dumpster fire and turned it around. Nearly 15 million jobs created, historic unemployment, market up from 19,000 to nearly 40,000. Trump said he would erase the deficit in his first term but added trillions.

So Biden is too old? Have you listened to Trump’s ramblings? Didn’t seem to realize Obama wasn’t president any more and some how stated Nikki Haley was in charge of security on January, 2021. Anyone voting for Trump is morally bankrupt!
PK March 28, 2024, 2:33 pm GB...Thank Heavens...I thought you were taking a break from Biden-bashing. Let me name a number of things that show Biden has slipped a few notches:
#1 He talks about sitting down with the deceased French president.
#2 In 2021,the President claimed he had recently had a conversation with the German Chancellor about our 9/11 and how he would have dealt with it in Germany. Must have been a "lively" conversation because the chancellor had passed in 2017.
#3 He can't quite recall how his son passed, but most Americans were saddened because it was a brain tumor...not in Iran or Iraq.
#4 He doesn't seem to be "allowed" to answer questions unless Jill or his staff give their permission. He told the reporters the other day that he'd get in TROUBLE. The President???
#5 His frequent commutes on the train with no tracks available. [I am assuming the winds were notably strong on those days!]
#6 The last time he was getting off Air Force One in Detroit, Michigan, Jill was overheard saying, "We're in Detroit. Michigan, Dear!"
#7 The President has been overheard in his office using profanity on recent occasions and sounding very angry. [Maybe soundproofing is needed! Provided by the taxpayers, of course!]

I could go on and on, but the President is not my favorite topic. I need some strong tea to gain my consciousness back after discussing him.

I am not a Trump supporter, but at least the man can carry on a normal and intelligent conversation.

BN March 28, 2024, 3:24 pm With all due respect, leftists and liberals are very different creatures. As a leftist, I don't care about how many female leads are in hollywood or how many pronouns there are. I care about material issues. Biden's callous disregard for human life in Gaza has made it clear that some people's lives are worth more than others. I can't trust a man like that.

Also: How is it fair that I work two seamstress jobs and scrape by, not seeing a doctor for 12 years while Israel has a blank check for weapons, free vacations, and free healthcare-- all subsidized by us. Biden doesn't care about the left. Its clear by the way he tries to sabotage every effort for mediation or ceasefire in the middle east. Peace sells less of his donors' weapons.

And about voting for Trump. Idc. Dems haven't listened to the left on the issue of genocide. This is so above and beyond any other issue. If we can't call genocide bad, then maybe the US should crumble, honestly. Trump can have it.

GB March 28, 2024, 10:43 pm RB,
Like a typical socialist Dem, you blurt out misinformation and lies hoping anyone will believe them. Trump has never been charged or convicted of rape or being an insurrectionist. You can say he was as much as you wish but that will never make it true.
The true scumbag is currently in the Whitehouse. He has always been a corrupt politician. He has made his family filthy rich on backroom deals and kickbacks from the adversaries of the United States. All of that comes at a price for every American as we have consistently seen during his time in the Whitehouse. As President Obama once said, "Never underestimate Joe's ability to F-things up." The fool literally screws up every single thing he puts his dirty greedy hands on. As if everything he's screwed up isn't enough, the sick SOB can't even stand in the same room with a young child without running over to smell her hair! That there is the real scum.
GB March 28, 2024, 10:59 pm BN, you failed to mention the seemingly endless blank checks Biden and the clowns in Congress keep giving to Ukrain..
You mention Gaza. The Palestinians are getting exactly what they have been asking for, for a very long time. They were given land and free elections. They elected Hamas to lead them. Hamas is another proxy of Iran. When Hamas invaded Isreal a few months ago they slaughtered countless innocent civilians including children and even babies! Some of those babies were put in ovens and baked alive!
The Palestinians remind me of a monkey with a stick hitting a sleeping lion. The lion got up and reacted to the problem like any country should. It is no secret that no Muslim country wants Palestinians on their own soil. Not Egypt, Jordan, Iran or Saudi Arabia. They all know the Palestinians stir up problems and chaos everywhere they go. That speaks volumes. Israel needs to take care of the problem in the same way any other country would to protect their citizens and their sovereignty.
GB March 28, 2024, 11:17 pm PK,
I appreciate the concern. I have been keeping up with the comments. Sometimes when the crazies are doing their best to prop up the Biden Crime Family, it becomes comparable to being at the store watching some kid throw a tantrum in public until they get their way. At times it becomes humerus to read some pitiful justification expressed in an attempt to convince the rest of us how great Biden is. Sometimes it is best to let them post their warped thoughts, knowing how most readers will realize how foolish they sound. When it becomes too much, like most undisciplined children find out, the grown ups step in and set them straight with facts they do not want to hear.
DE March 29, 2024, 10:34 am GB
Like a typical MAGAt, you blurt out misinformation and lies hoping anyone will believe them. Biden has never been charged or backroom deals or taking kickbacks. You can say he was as much as you wish but that will never make it true.

91 charges against Trump. I can't even guess the number of convictions against his cronies so far.

Can't even work up a decent impeachment against Biden.

You keep saying things - I do not think those things mean what you think they mean. That's the only conclusion one can reach.
PK March 29, 2024, 7:58 pm Reading and rereading all of our beliefs and our comments merely come down to ONE SAD TRUTH:


How sad for our America!!!
GB March 30, 2024, 8:49 am DE,
Practice what you preech. I find it easier sometimes to just let fools look foolish. Everyone knows they are a fool except the fool. It's like trying to carry on a conversation with a crazy person. Everyone knows they are crazy except the one who is crazy...
If in some unlikely way, you think Biden and the Democrats have made your life better while he has been in the Whitehouse, you just keep voting for Biden. Now we are back to crazy people not knowing they are crazy.
GB March 30, 2024, 7:50 pm Some people are predestined to be idiots. They do not know they are idiots. Trying to convince them they are wrong is like dealing with a special needs child. They will never be able to grasp reality or current events. It's sad.