First I need to set the record straight. If you read the last opinion piece about the "F***" word....In that article I misspoke in the section concerning the role of the sheriff in the narrative. He was requested by Mr. Ben to be a witness to the removal of the camera.

My heartfelt apologies to the Sheriff for getting that part wrong and I wanted to correct that for the public at the top of this article.


Another topic in the Supervisor meeting was the definition of the word "corrupt" or "corruption." It was brought up as the "big lie" that almost got an employee fired. One of the supervisors defined corruption as, "receiving money for a favor."

Now I had never actually looked up the word, I just assumed that I would know it when I saw it. As did the employee when he implied that there might be some of that going on. The employee later apologized for the remark as it was said under duress.

Following Tuesday's meeting, I've had a lot of people send me the definition. Let's look at the Oxford Dictionary first. Now as I read this, I chuckled.

Immediately examples sprang to mind. Some that while they aren't life threatening, or earth shattering it is still a form of corruption.

"cor*rup*tion -noundishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery."(This definition says typically, not always.)"the journalist who wants to expose corruption in high places"

Merriam-Webster says,

"Corruption, noun

1a: dishonest or illegal behavior especially by powerful people (such as government officials or police officers)
c: a departure from the original or from what is pure or correctthe corruption of textthe corruption of computer files"
I think I've clearly pointed out various forms and levels of corruption at one of the highest levels of power in the county. Things like ignoring your very own rules, holding meetings outside of open sessions, smacking women on the behind...all corruption…as defined by the dictionary.

The problem that is bigger than corruption is the fact that it has to be defined.
For example as soon as I found out I got part of my last article wrong I immediately felt awful, said my version of a swear word aka "crap" and immediately corrected it. I also felt the need to apologize at the top of this article where everyone would see it. Why because I try really hard not to be...corrupt.
Something I don't try really hard at is to sugarcoat anything. And when I don't sugarcoat corruption in every form in government, that tends to ruffle feathers at the top.
I despise corruption. Close your eyes for those that have a hang up about church and state, but seriously some of these Bible verses should hang above every government door. (Click here for the list.) The old King James Version says to avoid "all appearance of evil." Things like cameras in supervisor meetings SHOULD be there to prove a LACK of corruption so that you can say, "See, we DIDN'T do that! We DIDN'T say that! We are PROUD of our behavior and we don't want any doubt about our honesty!"
Unfortunately, pointing this out for some, makes it feel like I'm picking on ya. I'm not. I'm simply saying, "C'mon guys..."

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KP March 28, 2024, 7:31 pm Rick Primmer is wrong and he is corrupt. I will say it clearly here, because he seems to meet part of that definition. The fact he was trying to narrow that down means he knows it. Sue is corrupt. I would say the other supervisors can also be at times.
GB March 28, 2024, 11:28 pm I agree with needing the Bible verses above the doors and the cameras need to stay. It's all about holding our leaders accountable. They work for us regardless of which party they are in, not the other way around. I'm sure the Sheriff appreciated the apology.
JD March 29, 2024, 2:34 am According to Rick Primmer, corruption is when you receive money for a favor. Wasn’t Rick Primmer on the hiring committee for the HR position? If so, didn’t he also appoint someone in the County Attorney’s office to be on the hiring committee for HR? Who did the reference checks on Sue? Seems like Sue was offered a job for money and in return she is going after the Auditors office. Would this be an example of corruption? Offering someone money/something for a favor!!! Just a thought
GB April 1, 2024, 9:20 pm Here is one single word that defines corruption.
