Unfortunately, the folks at McDonald's and I have become best buddies. So much so that they now send me email. Like this one informing me that they have updated the "Terms and Conditions" I think it said.

Apparently, they have been spying on me.

"Obey the rules of the road," It said in part. As my kids would do, I rolled my eyes and said, "Yes, Mother." They continued. "Whenever you use the online services, you must obey the rules of the road and all applicable rules and regulations. You must not use the online services while driving or while behind the wheel or controls of a vehicle that is moving or not in "park". In the interest of safety at all times, you should only use the online services when it is lawful and safe to do so.' Yada, yada, yada.

In all honestly, I'm not that coordinated anymore. I actually pulled into their drive last night, along side the parking spaces thinking I could zap an order in before I got to the window, but you know old people. I finally pulled into the parking space and completed my order.

Mom continued nagging me. "You are responsible for your devices and accounts." Get over it already mom, I only lost my phone ONCE and you won't let it go!

Like all the other "Terms and Conditions" that are updated and you have to "read" and "agree to" no one reads the fine print. We scroll past the line that says, "You agree to name your firstborn after our owner," and click "Agree." Or in our minds it's "Agree, already, come on I have stuff I need to do!"

So we scroll and hit, "Agree," having no idea whatsoever it is that we agreed to.

But then, that started with our first big agreement for a credit card, or our mortgage, even at the doctor's office. We just assume that whatever the people tell us that the paper says is true.

Unfortunately, that's how we consume our news now. And we don't dig and double-check what we hear.

Here's a soundbite for ya. An update to the country's terms and conditions, we are now still in the trillions, so far. We are at 33 TRILLION dollars in debt. After a trillion comes a quadrillion. At the rate that we are spending, I don't doubt that we'll get to see that, and yet we still have no plan to stop the bleeding.

We don't balance the national checkbook, we aren't paying it down, and we're going in the hole even faster. I know, the yahoos in Washington D.C. are rolling their eyes and saying, "oh Mom..."

So, yeah, I'm all for shutting down the government. Pay our elderly and the military. As for everyone else, get a real job out here in the private sector and see what it's like to live under your own rules for a change.

But that's me just getting hangry. Time to go to McDonald's for some lunch...


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SJ September 21, 2023, 3:24 pm It amazes me how you went from McDonalds to the debt! (It’s getting so that even Mcdonalds is getting pricey!)
I don’t care who runs against Biden in the next election, or which democrat runs, I simply can’t afford another four years of this thinking!
PK September 21, 2023, 7:07 pm Where do we always seem to find the money for the Ukraine? Always billions, I believe. And what about the money for the three meals a day, housing, and healthcare for the illegal immigrants? They are getting it. No doubt!! WHEN is OUR own government going to look out for OUR own people FIRST??? [The senior citizens...the poor...the vets...those millions affected by the hurricanes, tornadoes, wild fires, and other disasters] When will the administration deal with compassion for all of these folks???

It appears to me like those in charge have to put on a big show for all the world to see. I say this BIG SHOW Biden is putting on should be canceled and the sooner the better!!

The National Debt continues to grow, but it's NOT helping the right people!!!!!
GB September 21, 2023, 10:32 pm We have a bunch of clowns in DC and in both parties running our government. The top clowns would be Biden, McConnell, Schumer and Pelosi. These idiots shouldn't be in charge of a paper route, let alone the business of running our country.
Biden is such an incredibly incompetent leader that if the Republicans ran a greased pig against him, I'd vote for the greased pig in a heartbeat. The pig would have a far better foreign and domestic policy than what we have now. We could vote a coma patient into the Whitehouse and be far better off than we are now with the corrupt clown we currently have.
PK September 22, 2023, 7:21 am GB...Bravo!!! It's way past time to end the BIG SHOW and get rid of the clowns!!! They've never been funny...just annoying!!!
PK September 22, 2023, 11:35 am Apparently President Biden thinks the public...the taxpayers are dumb as a box of rocks. On Wednesday he announced that he will give 479,000 Venezuelans legal status for 18 months. This will allow them to get jobs and be more self-sufficient. OH, COME ON, JOE!!! Say 300,000 are men. They are going to find jobs that will let them pay rent, buy food, and pay for transportation? Our own citizens have trouble doing this thanks to Bidenomics. What is the result...They will be on food stamps and welfare. That's an improvement?! The government will still be handing out money to people who are not wanted and do not belong here.

I think Biden made this "gesture" so Americans won't notice what's going on at the border..again. On Wednesday alone, an estimated 9,000 crossed to El Paso. On GMA they showed the border yesterday. There are lines and lines of people walking through the water and running to the border. Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen...the border is secure!!!!!

Why wouldn't they want to come here...They can sit on their butts and do nothing. We will have to take care of them for the rest of their lives. Thank you, President Biden for the Hell you've put us in!!!!!
VB September 22, 2023, 12:09 pm I don't know which is worse, the fact that you're still eating McDonald's "food", or that you still believe our government is running this country. With mounds of evidence out there now, citizens & leaders of multiple countries warning Americans for years to wake up to what is happening, you still choose to ignore the facts. You still choose not to follow the money. You still choose to listen to the msm. You still choose to let them divide you, & make you turn against one another over the most ridiculous things. You still choose to fall for their propaganda. The term "conspiracy theorists" was made up by the CIA to try to shut down your critical thinking by making you fear ridicule. Fear is how they control you. Many of you still believe in climate change, that the sea levels are going to rise when the glaciers melt....I guess you've forgotten the glass full of water & ice experiment. Spoiler alert, they do control our weather, & have been doing so for decades. Stop calling people conspiracy theorists, stop living in fear of the government, stop fighting amongst each other, & do your damn research people. Things will never change for the better until you do. They plan to have "their" New World Order in place by 2030, so you'd better wake up quick. Yes, I know everything I just said is going to fall upon deaf ears, & I'm just wasting my time, & energy, but, for the love of God people....WAKE UP!!!
DE September 23, 2023, 6:20 am Ah, yes. Gotta love it when the state that couldn't function without government welfare craps on people that rely on government welfare.

Farms, like every other business, should stand or fail on their own -- if they can't make a profit, or at least break even, through cutting costs or raising prices, they should fail.

Someone smarter will come along and fill the void by providing the service.