Dear Editor, 

So many things are happening in our country that defies common sense. It absolutely blows me away when I read or learn of unbelievable situations that have and are occurring! Things that are being allowed or applauded should cause any person with a working mind and a moral compass to wonder what is happening to our country. Why have we allowed it?

Children are being allowed to identify as a cat. Or being allowed to say "Neigh" in class when answering the teacher because he/she is a horse.

People are being fired from their job or being sued because of a viewpoint they hold or something that they said that goes against the liberal agenda that has exploded throughout our country.

Schools require gender ID in classes starting in Kindergarten. No one with a moral compass would ever believe that young children should be taught this. They don't have the frontal lobe development to even understand it. I was a tomboy growing up. I'd rather be out working on the farm with my dad and two brothers while my two sisters preferred to work around the house. I remember for a short time in my young childhood that I wondered if maybe I should really be a boy because I liked tractors and I hated to cook and still do! Had I had a teacher who had to teach a curriculum that pushed gender identity, I can not imagine the damage it would have done to me. Let alone seeing almost every t.v. program and company normalizing this agenda.

People who push for abolishing the police. Everyone who is sensible would foresee what would happen when that happens. (Many liberal mayors are now changing their minds as crime is out of control since they have trashed their police forces).

A president who has unleashed the worst border crisis in U.S. history and now the administration announced that Title 42 will end on May 23. This will cause an explosion in migrant arrivals at the U.S.-Mexico border. Perhaps 13,000 people every single day coming into our country, unvetted and going who knows where! Again, common sense would tell us that this can't turn out well for our country.

The president's war on fossil fuels drove domestic production down and gasoline prices through the roof! He shuts down our pipelines but he then begs the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries to produce more oil, which will result in the same emissions as domestically produced oil. American oil is cleaner than Russia's by the way. It's like the 1970s all over again. And now with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, why wouldn't he just put a PAUSE on the Green Deal and resume American drilling. Why wouldn't any president be willing to do that? What is stopping him? I'm so ticked every time I fill up my vehicle with gas or have to pay $24.49 for a chuck roast.

A president who tells Putin that 16 areas of the United States' critical infrastructure were off-limits to Russian cyberattacks - which effectively told the Russian leader where they were and that the rest were not off limits! Why would he do that?

A supreme court justice not being able/willing to give a definition of a woman. Are you kidding me?! Look at science, not emotion or feelings.

Schools teach white students as young as 6 that they're born racist and should feel guilty benefiting from "white privilege". Yeah, that's not going to cause any issues!

None of this makes any human sense! So why are these people really doing this? Have they been blinded to what is good and what is true? How do we stop it? It's scary when I hear of some of these things and I'm not surprised anymore.

We need to open our eyes and really watch all that is happening and become knowledgeable. Take the time to read, watch, listen, and speak the truth. No more complacency. Complacency leads to compromise, and compromise leads to wrong.

I sometimes get anxious and feel helpless in not knowing what to do to help our country change course until I remember that God is still King and He will someday set everything straight! We who are bothered by all of these crazy things need to stop feeling like we can't stand up for what is True and Right. Yes, people will call us names and maybe even shun us. For me, I must only care what God thinks about me, not what the world thinks about me.

But for now, we need to see evil for what it really is! We are in a spiritual battle right now. Satan is deceiving the eyes and minds of people, convincing them that what is evil is good and what is good is evil. God tells us this will happen in His word (2 Timothy 4: 3-4 for one of many verses).

There is a saying that says "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

Jill Struve

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JK April 8, 2022, 2:42 pm Thank you Jill Struve for your words of wisdom both as a Christian n an educator. You are so right. America's freedom is at stake n so many people either don’t care or are misinformed n believe the radical left. I too have to remind myself that God is in control. We need to pray for a revival in America and return to God as a nation. Or we can look for HIS triumph return to claim us who are His.
TH April 8, 2022, 3:43 pm Well said, Jill!!
BE April 8, 2022, 6:10 pm Thanks Jill for your letter. I couldn’t agree more. God calls us believers to be bold for our faith! Its time for silent majority to speak up.
DL April 8, 2022, 6:45 pm Wow! You wrote "We need to open our eyes and really watch all that is happening and become knowledgeable."

Two things. You speak about a pipeline that you ARE NOT knowledgeable about. There is oil flowing in that pipeline as I write this. It's been flowing for several years. The so-called "Keystone XL Pipeline" was a diagonal stretch of pipeline that a Canadian company wanted to add to the current pipeline, to make a diagonal SHORT CUT, from where the pipeline currently enters the U.S., in Montana, to a point in Southern Missouri, where it would again hook into the pipeline that currently exists. This Canadian Company called TC Energy, was wanting to put this extra pipeline in, to increase the amount of "tar sands" oil it could pipe through the existing Keystone pipeline. The named this short cut, Keystone XL. It was wanted so TC Energy could start transporting the "tar sands oil" from the Boreal Forest in Northern Canada. That "tar sands oil" is the dirtiest oil on our planet. They already pipe some extremely dirty oil through the existing Keystone Pipeline. They just want to add another pipeline through the Northern Plains, so they could send even dirtier oil through our country, and ship it all over the world. Now they can't do that. But, they still have the Keystone Pipeline that President Bush got authorized in 2008, and was completed in 2010. That pipeline also distributes the massive amounts of oil that North Dakota produces now.

Now you're all knowledged up on that. But, you still might want to read about it too, instead of listening to the lies that Fox News tells you about it. The link to my resource is here

The second thing is, what don't you know about interview processes in our country? Our Constitution guarantees that a person interviewing for a job can't be asked any questions that don't pertain to the job in question. Now, when the job being interviewed for, happens to be for Supreme Court Justice, the Senators doing the interviewing should keep their questions Constitutional. And, the person interviewing for that position, sure as heck shouldn't answer the question. I might be just guessing, but I think your concern for the interviewee not answering the question, has something to do with transgendered people. I have to admit that my Autism doesn't allow me to understand the whole transgender thing. But, I don't see the need to judge anyone for what they do. I leave that up to my God. Maybe that's what you should do too.

That's all I'm going to take time to reply about. But, I really think you should think about knowledging up on all of the issues to mentioned.
VB April 9, 2022, 3:54 pm Thank you Jill for speaking up! We cannot let fear control us. It's time for everyone to start speaking up, & calling out the evil. It's time to face the hard, ugly truths of what is really happening in our world today. It's going to bring out a plethora of emotions, for anyone WILLING to go down this road, but if we don't, evil will prevail. For those who are ready for this mission, I will give you some starting points. Start by reading "The Great Reset" by Klaus Schwab. If anyone has been paying attention, world leaders everywhere keep speaking of this New World Order. It's the same thing. Investigate all members of the World Economic Forum. Investigate their Young Leaders program, & how many Governments they have admitted to infiltrating. I cannot express enough, follow the money!!! I guarantee the majority of you are going to be in disbelief at how many people are involved, & the extent of this decades long, well orchestrated plan to take down humanity. We must stop letting them divide us by race, religion, class, sex, and every other division they have orchestrated us to believe, and come together. United we stand, divided we fall,they have been working very hard to divide us all. The following link is a video conference with Attorney Reiner Fuellmich. Fuellmich practices law in Germany, and also in California. He was involved in bringing indictments against VW in the emissions control scandal, and the Deutsche Bank during the housing crisis of 2008. He's speaking with an attorney who is representing over 500,000 military members. Very credible men, with proof of all of their accusations. We can no longer stay quiet, and hidden in fear. Bill Gates is also heavily involved, so I cannot express enough that you cannot use Google to do your research, as they are censoring everything you see.
KK April 10, 2022, 4:25 pm Whew.
PH April 15, 2022, 8:31 am Amen! Thank you for putting this in print. I share your thoughts exactly. Please send it on the the Gazette or somewhere to share with a wider audience. It’s frightening how these agendas are being normalized.
DK May 26, 2022, 8:36 am Agreed,this liberal craziness needs to be stopped for the benefit of our future generations. Anyone with Christian values should be offended by these things.