Dear Editor,

I love looking out my south window in the morning seeing the start of  spring and the possibilities in a new year.  While sipping a fresh cup of coffee this morning, I was thinking about the view a person gets through a peephole in your door.  Is it a friend you're hoping to see, or the face of someone you don't know and therefore, a threat?  No, the view through that peephole is somewhat distorted regardless of who is on the other side.

"The View" on ABC at 10:00 a.m. every morning is just like that peephole.  Whoopi Goldberg and her "posse" bash the Republican Party at the beginning of most shows.  Her dreadlocks fly around the screen like a ceiling fan as she delights in slamming "What's his name" or "You know who."  By careful listening, I have come to the realization that she is referring to Donald Trump.  I haven't come to any logical conclusion why she can't say his name.  Will she explode?  Will she break out in hives?  Will her coffee grow bitter?  Who knows...Who really cares?  I just "dread"  listening to her and her bashing.  Joy Behar is almost as bad, especially in Whoopi's absence.  If you look closely at the table, you can see little hatchets.What has Joe Biden done for her, I wonder, since he wants to tax the rich.   Has Whoopi forgotten that Joe Biden is a White man?  Oh, I know...He's a left-over from the two-term O'bama Administration.  Crusty and moldy at his best.  [Heaven knows how successful that administration was!]  Maybe her allegiance is really to VP Harris.  That's right, attach yourself to a "rising" star.  [2024 should take care of that quite nicely!]Apparently, she doesn't have enough material yet to criticize DeSantis every morning, but I'm sure she's compiling a folder.  At least, she uses his name.  Lucky Ron!Later today I thought about what would have happened if the Hunter Biden controversy would have hit the news before the last election.  Donald Trump most likely would have been re-elected.  Sure, there might have been some negative results, but I can think of ONE BIG POSITIVE, and that would have been THE WALL.  And we would NOT have had over 5 million illegal immigrants in this country sucking up our resources and bringing crime and devastation to our beautiful country!!  If you want to fault Trump for the boxes of papers he took from the White House, then you must do the same to the man in the White House now.  Don't drag a man over the coals for what was done long ago just to take the focus off  your party and what a horrible job you're doing.  "Witch-hunts" can backfire!!Peggy Kelley


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RB March 24, 2023, 1:13 pm I love when conservatives call it a witch hunt when it’s actually a which hunt. Which crimes does one prosecute first? Tax fraud? Classified documents that led to obstruction of Justice? Trump University fraud? Trump Foundation Fraud? Planning to overturn a fair election? Sexual harassment? When you elect a criminal he eventually will face charges. Didn’t even mention a $2nillion Saudi deal with Trump’s son-in-law.

Republican have blocked immigration reform forever. Let’s bring everything above board and fix the problem. A wall doesn’t do that.
RB March 24, 2023, 1:20 pm Remedy: don't watch shows you cannot tolerate and you will feel better. That way no one else has to hear about it from you.
Coffee will taste better too.
RL March 24, 2023, 1:30 pm An easy fix for you. Don't watch the View. I don't watch the View or Fox.
IK March 24, 2023, 2:06 pm We have a smart t.v. I'm trying to train it to automatically change channels when either Whoopi or Joy appear. Unfortunately, I almost break my neck rushing to grab the remote which I have to do before either one of those two open their vile mouths.
NG March 24, 2023, 4:40 pm I have a suggestion for you Peggy, stop watching the view--then you won't have so much whining to do.

There is no way #45 would ever have been re-elected no matter what information you are talking about. He is a done deal for ever.

Republicans love to investigate regardless if there is anything there or not. Remember how they investigated Hillary and Benghazi. They tried and tried to find something, anything against her but it never happened. There were 10 investigations, 6 of them by house republicans. She testified for 11 hours because she had nothing to hide. #45 on the other hand won't testify because he is probably going to run his mouth too much and tell too many lies.

Jared and Ivanka are reported to have made $640 Million while working for Daddy. That is against every rule there is for the white house but will republicans ever investigate them? Of course not. You may ask why the Democrats don't do it and the answer to that is the Biden Administration will not go after the presidents children. What a difference between Democrats and Republicans. Just another reason why I am a Democrat and proud of it.

#45 took papers from the white house and then lied about having returned them, way different than Biden or Pence. He wanted to show them to people and brag about what he had so he said they were his. They were not. There has also been a painting missing from the white house and it was just found in his Miami hotel. The painting was one of 100 gifts from foreign governments that were missing, gifts valued at $300,000. Any gifts he wishes to keep must be paid for at the appraised value not hidden in a utility closet. There is such a thing as a foreign Emoluments Clause.”

Biden is not doing a horrible job. Who was it got the price of insulin capped at $35 for seniors and now for everyone? Who was it that signed the infrastructure bill into law? Who was it got the chips and science act passed? What did #45 accomplish, a big tax cut for those at the top. Who was he working for when he did that, first of all for himself because he believes no one is as important as he is. We will never allow him or DeSantis into the white house.

Woke means to be awakened to the needs of others. To be well informed, thoughtful, compassionate, humble and kind and eager to make the world a better place for all people.

Norma Gould

AO March 24, 2023, 6:34 pm It’s just a TV show, meant for entertainment, not for educational purposes. It’s been around a very long time, so enough people tune in and enjoy it. The most simple solution is TURN IT OFF!! Don’t watch it if it offends you. “All in the Family” offends me, so I don’t watch it. SO SIMPLE
TF March 24, 2023, 8:13 pm If you don't like the show then why do you watch it?

Todd Frank
DL March 24, 2023, 8:24 pm PK, you remind me of the episode of All In The Family, where Gloria called her mother a "Nobody". At the end of the show, Edith asked Archie if he thought she was a something. Archie replied... "Edith, my dear, YOU are something...else."

Say goodnight Edith!
PK March 26, 2023, 10:36 pm IF you read what I said, "at the beginning of the show." Read it, then I turn it off! If Whoopi wasn't so blind and ever looked at the real world, she'd see Biden's approval rating is now lower than the 38% I quoted the other day. The VP's is even lower. You guys are on a sinking ship. Make way for Harris and Biden. You might have to help him put on his life vest. If he knows what one is!! Draw him a picture, NG. He needs note cards to function!
PK March 27, 2023, 8:33 am DL...Hated All in the Family!! Archie was a disgrace to the human race. You and RB should form a duo and go on the road. I'm sure your ideas would be welcomed by all the illegal immigrants that BIDEN and the DEMOCRATS let into our country. Then you'd both be to busy to write trash for us. Take Norma too; she's just so compassionate about these people. [They came here with their hands out, and Biden's filling them at taxpayers expense.]

Of course the Republicans can't do anything about the border. That's because the illegal immigrant's "Welcome Wagon" is headed by Joe Biden, our so-called leader. He's let over FIVE MILLION of them come here. He wouldn't have known about or had to deal with the crisis if it weren't for governors Abbot and DeSantis. [There is a Democratic governor in Arizona, and she's busing them too. My...My!!]

I see there is now proof that the Biden family did profit over a million dollars from dealings with China. I'd say this president isn't any cleaner than "What's his name." Biden runs and ducks questions about his "papers," his innocent son, his mysterious loan, and anything that might cause a comparison to "You know who."

Instead of attacking me and my "opinions," why don't you get a reality check, and look at where this country is really headed. We have an old weak-minded leader who is a joke to other
countries. IT IS TIME FOR A CHANGE!!!
PK March 26, 2023, 10:43 pm RB...Why don't you dry up?! Maybe your opinions aren't appreciated either. Nobody asked you to comment on mine. And all your responses aren't worth anyone's time either. Who left you in charge?
PK March 27, 2023, 10:50 am Norma...Who is "We" who won't let "What's his name" or DeSantis into the White House?? Wanna bet??
NG March 27, 2023, 1:53 pm Peggy, it is of course "We The People." "We the people" voted Trump out once and can do it again and DeSantis and all his craziness will have the same result. He wants the people of Florida to be able to carry a concealed weapon with no permit while we just had another school shooting in Tennessee. Like I said craziness. I am grateful my grand children are home schooled because Reynolds is trying to keep up with DeSantis. We the people have had enough of Republican crap.

Norma Gould
PK March 27, 2023, 5:29 pm Norma...I say, We the People, want a youthful, strong president with a vision and a plan to move this country ahead. NOT a weak-minded crusty old man who is trying to carry on the years of Obama's failures. Watch Biden shuffle his feet...shuffle his notes...and shuffle right out of the White House. Obviously, you wouldn't know anything about an excellent politician. LADY... THERE IS NOT ONE THING WRONG WITH RON DESANTIS EXCEPT HE'S NOT IN WASHINGTON RIGHT NOW!!! SO...Cut the crap about him and Governor Reynolds!!! Your ideas are looney tunes...That's all folks!!!

GB March 27, 2023, 8:11 pm NG, it is the party you speak so proud of which loves investigations. They make up their own accusations against anyone who challenges them. Even when they have to pay people to lie. How many times did we have to listen to the lies of Russian collusion against Trump? The Democrats screamed it for his entire term. We now know that was a lie. The real collusion is between the Biden Crime Family and any country that will give them millions of dollars. Three big ones are China, Ukraine and even Russia. Where is the same outrage from the Democrats? Silence...
Biden has done a horrible job! The man and his entire administration is a clown/ freak show! Pick your poison. Biden can't do anything without screwing it all up. The man has never accomplished a single thing in his life except selling this country out to gain personal wealth. At least Trump had his own money and he didn't get it from China or any other country. A quote from Obama himself with regards to Biden, "Never underestimate Joe's ability to FU%$ things up."
NG, you do not know if Trump will be President again, nobody does. I do know this, the Democrats laughed when he ran the first time and said what you are saying now. The day after the election they were all crying and even threatening to move out of the country. I can only guess how big that piece of humble pie would have to be to fill your pallet if he did win.
PK is correct, had the Hunter Biden story been allowed to be reported on, Trump would be in office and we wouldn't have a crisis on our southern border. We wouldn't have recessionary problems with our economy and we would be a leading exporter of oil and fuel prices would be a lot lower. Trump was not perfect. He did not always act presidential. He offended people and hurt their feelings. I never agreed with that side of him but his policies were exactly what this country needed. Trump put this country first! You might not appreciate that but a hell of a lot of people did!
GB March 27, 2023, 10:00 pm NG, you say "we the people" voted Trump out. I guess you forgot there are alot of "We the people" who still question the results. Be careful with getting too confident. It might be "We the people" who vote Trump back in or another Republican. Would you be so fast to say "We the people" if that happens? Regardless I am pretty confident it won't be "We the people" who keep this failed experiment in office We currently have. The mail in voting and ballot harvesting worked remarkably well to get a dementia patient elected. He should be the poster child for a campaign against such fraud. This clown doesn't have enough brain power to power a moped around the outside of a BB one time.
NG March 27, 2023, 10:11 pm I also love Whoopie Goldberg and think that she would make a wonderful President. She might not be able to surpass all the success that President Joe Biden has achieved while in office, but I bet she can be close.
PK March 28, 2023, 4:48 pm Norma...Anyone who would want Whoopie Goldberg for president of this country needs to thumb a ride on the next Chinese weather balloon!!! [Lady, You are really out there!] Let's see... NG would like a Joe Biden & Whoopie Goldberg ticket in 2024. WHEN PIGS FLY!! I think you need to stockpile the Puffs gal because Ron DeSantis will be in the White House. And I'll be laughing my a** off.
NJG March 29, 2023, 12:45 am Peggy, I did not say I wanted Whoopi for president. There is evidently someone else with the same initials as me. I will always sign my name at the end of my comments.
NJG March 29, 2023, 10:39 pm I will also try to remember to always use my middle initial. I do not think Woopie would be a good president.

Norma Gould
NJG April 2, 2023, 8:17 pm So Peggy, when you credit me with a comment that I didn't make you don't even have the good sense to apologize. Why is that?

Norma Gould