Dear Editor,

I own my home here in Vinton. I was born and raised here...taught school in Kansas until 2006...and returned home in May of 2007.

It's a shame that a person who believes strongly in something cannot display a flag on their own property without it being stolen. My Black Lives Matter sign and holder was recently "stolen" from MY yard.

I was in high school when Martin Luther King, Jr., made his march and gave his "I Have a Dream" speech. I thought we had come a long way in helping Blacks realize this dream. But after the murders of the Black jogger, George Floyd, and others; it proves just how far we HAVE NOT come. if anyone can watch the video of George Floyd's murder without feeling moved, then they are a racist and not even a human being!!

But what should I expect from a nation with a racist president and a state led by a governor who is tied to the belt of Donald Trump.

I thought Vinton was more open-minded. I guess I was wrong.

Still, stealing a sign from my property is trespassing and theft. And it's sad I can't have my own beliefs.

Peggy Kelley

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JS August 17, 2020, 12:30 pm Unfortunately this movement has been infiltrated by Marxist elements. Two founders have admitted they are trained Marxist. Which means their goal is the overthrow of out Republic. The good people in this movement now have a black mark on their efforts. Shame.
DL August 17, 2020, 12:57 pm I'm so sorry that this happened to you, and thank you for sharing it with the whole community. You are the better, and smarter person for understanding that Black Lives Matter, is an organization, as well as a movement. The organization is a peaceful one. The movement is a positive one, that has some unlawful people that have joined. They are not one-and-the-same.
BB August 17, 2020, 3:12 pm I would agree, Peggy. Also very sad when generators are being stolen from one's yard during this crisis as well.
GB August 17, 2020, 9:38 pm BLM while the concept seems noble in their title, that is where the nobility ends...they do nothing for the "black community" and the way they get corporations to donate money would be extortion for most of us. If anyone truly wants to see what they do with their money, research it. 100% goes to political campaigns for Democrats. They do NOTHING for black lives. They remain silent when the violence is black on black crime and silent when it is black on white crime. The only make an issue when they can inflame people and politicize tragic events and shame people into supporting their cause to make people believe racism is alive and well. Their agenda depends on this.
Anyone who actually looks past their title and actually does some fact-checking would quickly conclude that BLM is a scam and a sham. BLM was not high jacked by a few bad apples, it started with a bunch of racist Marxists and they managed to pull in a few good apples who "think" they are actually supporting a cause against racism. This is mostly misinformed and uninformed individuals who can't even explain what platforms a political candidate stands on much less understand the issues at stake. ALL LIVES MATTER! Black, white, brown, and blue. They ALL matter!!!!
TF August 17, 2020, 11:20 pm Peggy, I don’t think that you were wrong when you stated that you thought Vinton was more open-minded.

I’ve Never been sure what open-minded means.
IK August 18, 2020, 1:15 am In order to see the cause of the Black Lives Matter movement there is a video of the George Floyd body cam when the police tried to arrest him. It's on youtube titled: "Steven Crowder reacts to the George Floyd body cam video."
TF August 19, 2020, 12:45 am My previous comment was sent out before I had finished my statement, and not what I was intending to say. I wasn’t aware that it appeared here until now. I chalk that up to not having internet at this point after the storm and relying on my clumsy thumbs and a phone.

It is a shame that your sign was taken down. And it would be as much of a shame if someone’s Trump sign had been taken down. First amendment stuff, which was not respected.

It was rude. Really rude. But that rudeness is not a reflection of the community as a whole; it is a reflection of the one or two people who took the sign.

All in all, Vinton is a pretty nice place to live. I understand your frustration; we should all be frustrated that this happened. But we shouldn’t use the incident as a way of describing the community as a whole. Because it doesn’t, it describes a person or two who need to be taken behind the woodshed.

MS August 24, 2020, 10:55 am My BLM sign got egged last week and stolen this week. So much for progressive thinking.