Every day the phone rings with unknown callers. It happened while I was working the other day, so it went to voicemail. The same number called back while I was still working on writing about the story that I had just covered. So I thought, on the off chance that this New Hampshire number was important. I'd answer the call.

Picking up my phone I answered, "Vinton Today, can I help you?" since I had no idea who it was.

See, a few months ago, I made the mistake of getting online to check into refinancing my house and the phone hasn't stopped ringing since. Expecting the same kind of call, I forget that it's officially caucus season. I wasn't ready to go into the political mode.

To someone, somewhere, I am a Democrat. I suppose it could be my media link, because well duh. "I see you are interested in the Democrat candidates. Could you tell me who you are most likely to vote for?"

Even as they read down the list, I was still processing those two sentences. So loaded, and so funny at the same time. Fortunately for me, there was a long list. So taking out my dartboard I lobbed a dart and went with Tulsi Gabbard, she seems like an underdog that needs a hand, and honest from what I've seen of her, I like her. But to be fair, I have yet to not like any of the candidates that I've seen.

I was then asked what race I "identified as," I checked the mirror and just went with what I normally go with every day, caucasian.

Now let's see, how much money do I make they wanted to know? Well, since this whole polling business is a sham in my book, I figure I might as well answer as if I really made the kind of money that I'd like to, so I went with bucu bucks baby, I figure as long as we're dreaming.

Did you graduate from college? Rummaging through my paperwork, yep, I have one that says I did.

In the middle of the questions, they started taking a weird turn. One I'd never heard before.

Do I attend church? With my mind running 100 mph. I'm trying to figure out what in the world that has to do with anything and why in the world I'd tell them if I did or didn't or where I go to church. What's their angle?

"No, of course, not!" I replied emphatically. To people that know me, which this guy obviously didn't, they will know that I don't simply attend, I have a job to do on Sunday morning, so that involves my attendance at both services which is about a 4 1/2 hour obligation every Sunday morning, honey that's not "attending" that's commitment, and I love it.

This was getting fun.

Knowing we were now in Weirdsville the "How liberal do I consider myself?" question didn't surprise me. I chuckled. Well, "VERY liberal", at the moment, at least when answering these questions.

I scratched my head as other thoughts went barrelling through my mind like, "Where is this guy from that can't pronounce the candidate names correctly?"

Like in the last presidential election, I know that polls don't really matter, I remember in 2016 being so convinced that Hillary was going to win, because, well, the polls... And I also remember watching the news and cracking up at the "professional" reporter crying on-air over something as minor as an election, as if that's a reason to cry. Really it's not, because there's another one next year, and the year after that, and then the following year and if the Presidential results are upsetting, you get to do it again that 4th year. Trust me, I've never once cried over a presidential election, but then I have a real life where there are things that happen that are worth tears. Did my heart sink a few times, yep, but tears? *eye roll*

Laughing as I ended the call I had to say to myself, that from my seat to me it appears that the democrats haven't figured out the fight yet. The last three years have been spent trying to take out the current president without stepping back and asking, "Why did we lose?"

Hating the guy in the office isn't a party platform, well it probably is now, but in all seriousness, the reason Trump won is that he promised to carry out a list of ideas that resonated with the voters.

In response, there is a cry to "Change the electoral college!" which protects small states like Iowa with lower populations. Take that away and the elections will be decided by those with large populations, making Iowa a crumb on the floor.

Maybe I'll regret this, but I'm going to make a prediction right now that Trump is going to win in 2020.

Syria? Yawn.

Eh, Impeachment?

Lack of morals, most politicians qualify.

Finally, when a presidential candidate running against him labels the other guy's supporters as "deplorables" insulting half the population, it's not a good way to win people from that party. The whole point is to be likable. I'm not sure what it is that this guy has, I think I do, I think it's just saying what you think and letting the chips fall where they may. There's no in-between with this guy. So there you have it. But then what do I know, I thought Hillary was going to win...I'll have to see what the polls say in October of next year...

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JS November 15, 2019, 2:31 am my sentiments exactly. Go Go