John R. Whitaker, State Executive Director for USDA’s Iowa Farm Service Agency (FSA) reminds producers that the annual crop certification deadline is June 30, 2012. Producers should file an accurate and timely report for all crops and land uses, including failed acreage and prevented planting.

"I encourage all producers to visit their local County FSA office to file an accurate crop certification report by the June 30th deadline in order to comply with FSA program eligibility requirements," said Whitaker.

Acreage reports on crops covered by Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) should be filed in the county office the earlier of June 30, 2012 or no later than 15 calendar days before the onset of harvest or grazing of the specific crop acreage being reported.

To report prevented or failed acreage, producers must complete Form CCC-576, Notice of Loss for interested crops. Reporting prevented or failed acreage to FSA will ensure compliance with current farm programs, and possible eligibility for future disaster programs. Once a CCC-576 has been submitted, if cannot be withdrawn or revised.

If a producer misses the reporting deadline for prevented planting, they may still report prevented planting acreage as long as the disaster condition may be verified by a field visit.

Producers may contact their local county FSA office if they have any questions about prevented and failed reporting or visit


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