The meeting of the North Eden Willing Workers was called to order at 5:23 PM on November 17th. The treasurer's report was given. Our current club balance is $1.375.80. We celebrated all of the November birthdays: Jenna, Nora, jaob, Devin. We also recognized the members with a December birthday: Sammie and Brianna. The club won the scarecrow contest that had been held at the courthouse. The prize was a pizza party which we celebrated with during the meeting. We voted and decided to sponsor four veterans for Raegan's Relief Christmas meal. We discussed getting new club shirts, going sledding for the January meeting and the leader and treasurer training. We voted to go caroling December 6th with the community. We also had a reminder to enroll for 4H before December 30th. The meeting was adjourned at 6:05. After the meeting, we had a string art activity to celebrate our holiday party.


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