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It's with disgust, anger, incredulity, sadness and a host of other emotions that I view the events post October 7th, 2023, up until today's rampaging across America's most liberal colleges and universities. It should end forever stupid phrases like . . . "We'll never forget!!" . . . or . . . "Always remember!". It's clear that we will and we don't. The Nazi rampage against humankind was not limited to Jews - it included pretty much any organized religion as well as peoples like the Gypsies. When I was young our parish (Lutheran - Missouri Synod) had a brother and sister pair that were German orphans of the war. They hid behind a haymow in their barn as their parents were shot to death by Nasi troops because they were Lutheran. It's remarkable that they survived the war and ended up in our little town. The focus on Jews was simply a way to focus public anger on a specific and prosperous segment of the population culminating in "Kristallnacht" on November 9-10, 1938 resulting in the destruction of over 7,000 Jewish businesses and the arrest of over 30,000 Jewish men that were arrested and sent to concentration camps. And given the coverage of our current events, it would appear that, as the Canary dies in the mine shaft - as America appears to entertain a walk down a very similar path that Germany took in the late 30s.

So where are we? Let's consider the major actor in these recent events - Hamas. Hamas, going back as far as 2003, has globally been declared a terrorist organization. Meaning, that Hamas, as a group, utilizes violent, heinous attacks to intimidate people and promote an environment of fear to further their ability to take control. Beheading children, tying mothers and children together and then burning them to death, cutting an unborn child out of a mother and then killing it in front of the mother as she dies, shooting and burning people to death - these and more are tactics Hamas used on October 7th.

To add insult to injury they use the Palestinian people in Gaza as human shields to protect operation centers, weapons and ammunition storage, gun emplacements and missile launch sites. These were intermixed with or were contained in hospitals, schools and residential centers. When these centers are attacked by the IDF, the IDF are condemned for their "reckless" acts. Since Israel returned Gaza to Palestinian control in 2005, over 20,000 missile attacks have been launched from within Gaza. Think how we would feel if 20,000 such attacks were launched on, say, Detroit from Canada. Would we simply sit by as our people are killed? I suspect not. I hope not.

Now there seems to be many on campus, attending colleges and universities (keeping in mind that many of these colleges and universities receive government funding) that are identifying as members of Hamas. They are self-identified as members of a Terrorist organization. There seems little doubt on what our actions should be . . . first - BELIEVE THEM! Considering the chaos they are willing to bring to our college campuses - I get it. They are true believers. Does any parent want their children to attend school while surrounded by self-admitted terrorists? I suspect not. So here is my suggestion.

Arrest them all. Intern them all is a place that provides a level of security for our country - how about Gitmo? If they are citizens of a foreign country - expel them immediately with no opportunity to return. Try them for damage done to the universities and any damaged private property and demand restitution. They should never be allowed any type of government student loan nor should they ever be allowed to reenroll at the college level. As for the colleges that allow such organizations to exist and students to attend, they should no longer be eligible for government funding of any kind.

This should happen now, today, immediately.

Let's also take a larger look at how such a movement as the persecution of the Jews in Germany occurred. In my day a required book to read was "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich". I suspect that requirement has long since been forgotten as has the actual event. But at its core it revolves around a government that picks an "enemy" to focus on to divide the country and focus its energies on. This is not an uncommon tact among authoritarian leaders. It often starts with an "emergency" that allows a government to act unilaterally for the "good of the people". The problem is that the "emergency" never really disappears, and others always seem to be on the horizon. Those that resist such acts are considered "deniers" and simply put on "the list". This can include individuals, groups, religions, organizations - anyone who simply holds a view that is "unapproved". As time goes on, and the propaganda heightens - it can easily become "accepted" that "they" are the real problem and need to be dealt with. We see this happening to the IDF so much so that some Hamas college protesters are throwing around an age-old phrase of dealing with the Jews saying that . . . "the final solution" needs to happen. It's also known by a newer one - "from the river to the sea". This is simply the eradication of the Jews as a people. Within our country I see similar references to folks who embrace the concepts of Make America Great Again - MAGA. Of parents who want to know exactly what their children are being taught about sex and genders and have clear expectations of what is - and is not - taught. Of members of various religious denominations - particularly Catholics it seems. And references to rural white men who seem to be looked at by our current administration as the Devil incarnate. As a white, Catholic, military vet and firearms trainer living in the rural Midwest . . . I find I take it all a bit personally. One of my granddaughters asked me "How many lists are you on Grandpa??" My response was simple . . . "All of them!" I suspect there is a lot of truth in that statement.

Sadly, I do not see much willingness for a reevaluation of these attitudes. Our nation's far left seems to be more than happy to pour gasoline on this particular cultural fire with little concern for an endgame and a final destination. Perhaps this is how our particular experiment in a Constitutional Republic ends . . . or perhaps folks will wake up and realize that our current path ends badly. Time will tell.


Bill Keller


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GB May 1, 2024, 9:54 pm Very well said Bill.
AM May 2, 2024, 2:04 pm Yes. I agree 100% Bill.
Signed Ashley Meredith
DL May 2, 2024, 4:13 pm I understand that this will fall on blind eyes.

What has happened on our college campuses recently IS NOT any type of pro hamas uprising. It is simply caused by our government not doing enough to prevent Israel (IDF) from killing innocent Palestinians. In their search to eliminate hamas, the IDF has killed over 40,000 innocent citizens of the Gaza Strip. You make it sound like whole campuses have been destroyed. In fact, the protesting has taken place in small areas of the campuses. In the case of Columbia University, it did spill over into a campus building. Authorities believe that people of none acadmia background influenced the violence that ensued. Time will tell on that.

The IDF has been reckless in their search for the leaders of hamas. Instead of lobbing balistic missiles into Gaza, they could've gone into those areas of hamas storage, with boots on the ground, and
saved thousands of lives.

You gave an example of what it would be like if we had to deal with missile attacks like Israel has, over the years. The only reason that we don't, are the two oceans that protect us.

Your reckless suggestion for dealing with the campus protesters is totally UnConstitutional. EVERYONE with their feet on American soil, is protected by our Constitution. The only aspect that doesn't apply to foreigners is the right to vote.

Let me quite a line from your 7th paragraph. "But, at its core, it revolves around a government that picks an 'enemy's to focus on, to divide the country, and focus it's energy on."

Yesterday, Trump announced that his administration would focus on the tracking of all pregnant women, in red states. He has also said recently, that he would have Generals executed, if they didn't follow through with his orders. The maga cult has said that they would hunt down all people with different political views, and kill them. Don't those examples fit perfectly into the line that I quoted?

Your argument about our current administration singling out certain groups, for some reason, is ridiculous. There is absolutely no evidence of that, AT ALL. You're brainwashed.

As for your last paragraph. I suggest you simply look in a mirror. Your brainwashed cult is doing everything that you complain about "the far left" is doing.
ER May 2, 2024, 4:30 pm Well said, Bill. Agree 100%
JD May 2, 2024, 5:09 pm You nailed it, Bill.
DC May 2, 2024, 9:13 pm Well spoken Bill.

But, where's Ebert?

Dave Coots
GB May 2, 2024, 10:50 pm DL, it really must be confusing for you when you appear to live such a delusional existence. Trump never said or even suggested he would execute generals or anyone else. You do come up with some twisted versions of what you call facts. The rest of us consider these sort of things fictional. The views you appear to have of what you believe is unconstitutional also only seem to apply when it fits into that delusional world you appear to operate in. You never seem to call anything unconstitutional when the constitutionalty of an issue would bring into question the opinions you have of anything Trump or Republican. The constant nagging and attempts to show everyone how much you believe you know about the Constitution and case law usually leaves most of us wondering how one person can read something and come to such a delusional perception of the facts. Sometimes it might be best to not try so hard to impress everyone with how much you really do not know. Most folks are a little bit more intelligent and informed than you seem to give them credit for. Just a suggestion friend...
PK May 3, 2024, 10:18 am Excellent job, Bill!!!

Send in the clowns...Well, maybe they're here!!!
Right, GB???
RS May 3, 2024, 12:41 pm GB-

From the Atlantic, author Brian Klaas, 9/25/23

"Late Friday night, the former president of the United States—and a leading candidate to be the next president—insinuated that America’s top general deserves to be put to death.

That extraordinary sentence would be unthinkable in any other rich democracy. But Donald Trump, on his social-media network, Truth Social, wrote that Mark Milley’s phone call to reassure China in the aftermath of the storming of the Capitol on January 6, 2021, was “an act so egregious that, in times gone by, the punishment would have been DEATH.”

(The phone call was, in fact, explicitly authorized by Trump-administration officials.) Trump’s threats against Milley came after The Atlantic’s publication of a profile of Milley, by this magazine’s editor in chief Jeffrey Goldberg, who detailed the ways in which Milley attempted to protect the Constitution from Trump."

I know the response coming, "He did not actually say Milley should be put to death" but a former and wannabe President's reckless language is enough to sound the warning bell. He continues to use inflammatory language to feed to his base to make sure they continue to be angry and grieved. No substance just grievance.

Rosemary Schwartz
DL May 3, 2024, 1:06 pm GB, you continue with your mush mouth type of replies. You give absolutely no substance behind your name calling. You don't claim that anything I wrote is wrong. You just call me names and attempt to insult my intelligence, without any specific substance behind it. You write a whole lot, without saying anything. I guaranteed that I know A LOT more about our Constitution than you do. I study it! You only know the lies that you are told to repeat. Get real!
GB May 3, 2024, 7:35 pm PK, that's right!!! What we are witnessing on our college campuses is a direct result of what happens where strong and morally right leadership it totally absent. The children take over. They evolve into idiots much like our own children would if we just allowed them to do anything they want to do without consequences. We see the same results in homes where both parents are not in the home raising children. Add in the results of the radical agendas the Liberals push of dragging every ethnicity into this country and they create a mess for the rest of us to deal with. We should be recruiting the best and the brightest from other countries to immigrate to America. Not people who will immediately go on welfare and every other social program available. Only a person who is seriously lacking a basic understanding of economics would believe otherwise. None of the people who have illegally entered our country under the current administration should be allowed to stay. Every single one of them who have illegally entered our country should be arrested and deported. It is no longer just hispanics. Now as a result of the Biden Administration and Biden / Democratic policy, every adversary to the United States is clearing out their prisons and mental institutions and sending them to our borders. Mixed in is members of Hamas, Hezboulah and agents from Iran, Russia and China. These groups will bring to our country events that will make 9/11 look like child's play. It is not a question of if, but when. They are already in this country. They are organizing some of the events we see on college campuses and it will get far worse. Biden and his socialist Democrats will be the ones to blame for the results along with a handful of Rhino Republicans..
This is what happens when a corrupt clown is put into the Whitehouse as a result of a questionable election at best and that clown has a weak foreign policy and appoints every person they can find (as long as they are radical left) to every cabinet position. Folks, none of these idiots Biden chose for any of these cabinet positions are qualified to walk a dog down the street, much less run any aspect of the government. It's a freaking clown show and it can't be described in any other way!
GB May 5, 2024, 12:15 pm RS,
You took an opinion written by a Liberal and cited it as fact. When the writer uses words like "presumably he meant this or that" its an opinion. It was not a quote. Again, I am not defending Trump but he never said what DL claimed he said.
DL, you have consistently cited case law claiming a ruling was different than it actually was. In one case out of New York, you made the claim it was found constitutional and that a person had no right to keep a loaded gun in his/ her home. That law was actually found to be unconstitutional and was overturned by the Supreme Court.
Apparently, you missed that part??
The one I got the most entertainment out of was the comment you made comparing the anarchists Antifa to the US troops who stormed the beaches of Normandy. Not sure how or why you made that comparison. I still can't wrap my head around that one...

RS May 6, 2024, 12:25 pm GB
First, where did you read from the article “presumably he meant this or that", as you try to deflect what Trump actually wrote?

Secondly, an education about quotes. Quotes are used to designate words that attributed to someone else. The quote within the quote, (“an act so egregious that, in times gone by, the punishment would have been DEATH.”) designates the actual statement made by Trump on his Truth Social page embedded in the article. That is not opinion that is fact. This incident was reported at the time by various media sources and still reverberates today.

It always amazes me when something negative, (and there sure is a lot if it), is reported about Trump, the Trump apologists will go to any means possible to discredit it because their savior can do no wrong and everyone is out to get him.

What does it say that a former and wannabe President would even write those words whether he was serious or not? More and more ex-Trump officials, including generals, have declared that Trump is a danger to our democracy and should not be anywhere near the White House. These were in Trumps words, “the best people” and “my” generals who he once extolled. Who are you going to believe, the liar in chief or the esteemed people who worked with him and who tried to prevent Trump from himself?

Rosemary Schwartz
GB May 6, 2024, 10:01 pm RS,
Keep reading the left wing propaganda or the cartoon books and funny papers. This is America and if you want to use some useless opinion written by some far left nut bag, you certainly have that right. You can even believe it if you wish. Just don't expect me to jump on board with something that should be used as a fish wrapper than a source of "real" news. It's fake!
RS May 7, 2024, 10:00 am Gerald,
Seems like I got under your skin. What did Jack Nicholson say in the "Few Good Men", I remember, "You can't handle the truth."
Rosemary Schwartz

GB May 7, 2024, 9:25 pm RS,
Apparently it is some demented fantasy of yours to get under my skin. Actually it may very well be a demented fantasy you have of Trump and anything masculine which you know you can only find outside the Democratic Party of confusion where they believe men are women and women are men. That used be be diagnosed as a mental illness.. For some of us, it still is. It's like trying to explain to a 3 year old why they can't have every toy in a store. They throw a fit and you just have to tell them no and drag them out of the store kicking and screaming. That's how I view unintelligent comments.
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