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I had the Supervisor's meeting playing while working on other news bits for the website yesterday. Kind of like background noise. Nothing much out of the ordinary was on the agend. That is until it was time for the budget hearing.

If you've ever sat in on a budget meeting, it will take all you have to not let your eyes glaze over. So honestly, I was expecting it to be that kind of meeting. And then Jill Marlow, former Benton County Auditor stepped up to the plate. Now, I really don't know Jill, but I do know this, the Board of Supervisors should have stopped, looked, and listened.

For the past 14 years, I've always said about the newspaper, "If they were smart, they would..." and in this case about the Supervisors, I'll say, "If they were smart, they would...recruit Jill to really look into these budgets and advise them." Turn her loose. I mean what's the worst that could happen? We could spend LESS money???

That would be awful. We might get a reputation for taking money seriously or something.

But they didn't. I know, I'm shocked too.

As usual, they took things she said and ignored every single one. Now if Joe Smoe had walked in and given them the same lecture, I would have assumed he didn't know what he was talking about. However, Jill has quite a bit of experience in how the county works, and how it should be budgeting.

Unfortunately, we have three men sitting in chairs who believe that they didn't need her advice and that obviously she was off her rocker when it comes to budgeting. If I had to wager, I'd bet that none of them have ever budgeted. Yes, they may have looked at their checkbook and said, "I can afford to do this today, and we'll do that next week," but have never planned out a year of expenses.

One example that she pointed out was the $45,000 for a computer system in the Human Resources budget. As a gal who uses computers programs and am online nonstop, my jaw dropped. I'm sorry, there isn't ANY computer program worth that much money. The HR Director pointed out that THIS system is special. It keeps track of all applicants and allows them to submit forms online.

How could that be done and save $45,000? Well, I could do that in simple email. Pay me that $45,000 and I'll sort all of that information into little folders for you. But it's government, and government wouldn't do anything that's cheap and efficient. Let alone something that's free for the taxpayer. The HR budget alone added $100,000 for the coming year.

The Supervisors didn't even bat an eye. They didn't flinch. Not even a second thought was given to dropping $100,000 into this office. Why? What is so special about this department? Everyone in the county wants to know the answer to that.

Marlow also pointed out that the Supervisors voted to put a levy on rural residents larger than what they had originally said was allowed, and the Supervisors are cool with that.

She said that she could carve out half a million dollars from the budget and no one would notice. I think she could probably go for a cool million and still we wouldn't notice. Nah, I'd say 1.5M.

But that's where we are folks.

We have three men running the county who didn't want to be bothered by the things that Marlow brought to their attention. Even stating that they weren't going to spend "all day on this." Instead, they did what I didn't think they would do. They ignored every word that she said and voted for their budget.

Why did it surprise me?

I have no idea.

I STILL expect better from them. I expect them to pause and say, "Let's look at that again, and bring Jill in to see if we really did get something wrong here." But nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Instead, they took the, "We're smarter than you. Even though we can't explain what this $45,000 computer program is supposed to do, we're all for it!

Even though we are passing a levy that is higher than what we said is allowed, we're going for it, because who's going to stop us?

Not you the lowly taxpayers...even if one of them is a pest who happened to be a former Auditor who knows her stuff. We refuse to pause and take a hot minute to glance over the findings. Nope, we are the rulers of the county and you will go along with this, and we will spend boatloads of YOUR money that shouldn't be spent. Why? Because it's too much work to reconsider some of these findings."

And this folks, is why we have a national deficit that we will never pay.

It's why you don't have extra money to spend locally. These three elected officials REFUSE to take a second and third look at these budgets. They will defend to the death the idea of dropping a cool $100,000 into a department that has done nothing to improve the work environment for the county employees. Yet the Supervisors were too proud to admit that they had some things wrong. Like a $45,000 computer program for electronic documants.

I always thought that if I had this job, I'd be telling these department to CUT their budget by 5% each year. It COULD be done. It should be done. But it will never be done, because no one wants to be the bad guy.

We have three men who refuse to listen to reason. Three who refuse to hit the pause button. I bet between the three of them, they spent less time than Jill Marlow in researching these budgets...or they might know what that $45,000 computer system does.

Like Jill said, that program should fall under the IT department. Their job is well, computer systems, researching them and deciding what is best. So that $45,000 should be shifted to IT, but it won't. And you wonder why? Yeah, so do I. It makes no logical sense.

The Supervisors don't look at the county budget as if it were THEIR money. They look at it as a pot of money that magically appears each year so let's make it rain!

Why wouldn't the goal be to spend less? I have no idea. Why WOULDN'T they take Marlow's advice and cut the HR Department returning it back to the Auditor's office where it was originally? But nope, we are putting out $175,000 this year for one department that could be eliminated. Should be eliminated.

There are some departments REQUIRED by law, HR is not one of them. That's just one clear cut that should be made.

The election can't happen soon enough. For some reason these men aren't being rational and thinking. They aren't pondering. They aren't asking the hard questions. They aren't saying, "No, you can't spend that much."

And that disappoints me. It bothers me. It doesn't make me feel like they really care about the taxpayers.

There's a primary in a little over a month. I hope you consider these things when voting. Let's bring in some new blood. Mix things up. If you've heard candidates brag about what they are going to buy when they get in office, don't vote for them. We have that spending thing down already.

Let's mix it up this year and put new faces in new positions.


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KP April 25, 2024, 8:34 pm They simply don’t care. They don’t care how much money they cost anyone. People need to start suing them. You can do it. Bring a suit against the supervisors. File complaints.
BF April 25, 2024, 9:32 pm Valerie, your journalism is valiant. I appreciate your work.
GB April 25, 2024, 10:55 pm Rather many folks comment on this or not, I know a lot of folks are reading it and paying attention. Thank you for being diligent.
TH April 26, 2024, 12:04 am Why the sudden priapism for HR? Any GOOD employer should have an HR department. Suggested ratios range from 1.5-4.5 per 100 employees. Is Benton county a GOOD employer? HR should be separate from all other departments. HR should be in place to handle things department heads should not. I’ve heard my share of county employees grumbling about the HR director asking for cell phone numbers. Seriously, out and out raging about “how dare this lady, she doesn’t need my cell phone number”. On the contrary, it’s quite reasonable for your employer, especially the HR director, to have your contact info.

There’s bigger fish to fry in this county. Some of them are running for office. Good ol’ boy and Good ol’ boy 2.0… if Benton county wants change, it will stop focusing on an HR director and vote smart in the upcoming elections.
KVR April 26, 2024, 1:38 pm Very well said Valerie! Sitting in the meeting there were a few things I noted.
1. None of the supervisors had any answers to any questions asked. If you know you have a public hearing would you not take the time to understand the budget? As a candidate I feel like I have looked at the budget and asked Hayley more questions than any one of them.
2. I want to reiterate what Valerie said in the article. New blood and spending. One of the candidates currently in office requested a 40% in increased administrative costs. I think someone said in a comment about good ol boys take 2…
TM April 26, 2024, 2:56 pm Obviously TH has not been paying attention to all the goings on with HR and the shit storm she's caused with everyone or you're a friend of hers..I suggest going back to watch some meetings and catch up! Sure hope after elections with a new BOS that her position is eliminated! She is as toxic as they are!
JH April 26, 2024, 5:08 pm Who are the board members and may be running for the board? I have only been in the county for about 12 years. I would like to more information about this Jill. Is she a county employee, is she running for the board. She seems to make good sense. Thank You

Editor's note: Currently the Board of Supervisors is made up of Tracy Seeman who is NOT up for election, Rick Primmer who is stepping down after this term has three candidates running to fill his seat in District 1: Lance Lillibridge, Ron Tippett and Kellie VanRee. Gary Bierschenk who is up for election in District 3 against Bruce E. Volz.
There are also two candidates for Sheriff up for this election: Ted Paxton the current Vinton Police Chief and Dave Upah a deputy.
The Auditor is up for re-election unopposed.
Jill is a former Benton County Auditor.
JB April 28, 2024, 1:27 pm Based on the 4/23 board meeting, former auditor Jill, did a very thorough review and analysis of the county’s numbers which I appreciated. However, why did Jill perform this analysis? I assume it is due to gap or breakdown in responsibilities/role clarity or skill sets? Does the current auditor need training so that she too can evaluate and interpret the numbers to be able to provide that level of insight to the Board? That function seems that it would be a standard part of the Auditor role. If so, is training needed for the current Auditor? Additionally, what other training gaps or controls need to be put in place to mitigate risk to the country?

Editor's note: The responsibility of creating a final budget is on the shoulders of the Supervisors. The Auditor just balances their final numbers into what the Supervisors give her office. What Jill did was look through the budget and ask the questions that the Supervisors should have asked of these departments. The Auditor is highly trained, and is actually on board of the Iowa State Association of County Auditors and is constantly in training. The issue is not with the Auditor's office rather that Supervisors whose job is to go through these budgets to submit to the Auditor. The Auditor's office DOES offer to assist in department budgets when anyone asks for their help. But again, the responsibility of approving the final budget falls on the Supervisors. Jill also pointed out waste, and that's something again that only the Supervisors can cut, the Auditor has nothing whatsoever to do with that.
MR May 1, 2024, 1:23 am They could save alot of money and drama by getting rid of the HR director. She’s lied about being in a meeting for her 2nd job while on Benton County time. Jill Marlow really should be running to get on this board. She’s very knowledgeable
PK May 3, 2024, 7:10 pm SUPER JOB Val...Right on the money. [So to speak!]
Do any of the TERRIFIC THREE know the definition of the word budget. Do they realize that word keeps many many people up at night...worrying?? Seems like these actions reflect the Biden administration's blindness to the TRUTH!!!!!
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