Dear Editor,

I have recently decided to drop my appeal for the county Weed Commissioner position. This decision was made of my own accord. I decided that the upcoming process was not worth the stress and that after careful consideration I was no longer interested in this position at this time.

I wish to thank everyone for their support and encouragement. My position on the Veteran preference law and its interpretation and enforcement has not changed. However, the remedy for this appeal, if I won, was to be given the position. Thus, you can see why I have made this decision. I look forward to continuing to serve the Benton County taxpayers in my current position as a Maintainer Operator.

Thank You

Kevin Atkinson


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CL June 13, 2023, 3:21 pm Kevin, you were wronged and even though you aren't pursuing this, I hope our county government realizes their mistake so it doesn't happen again. Do you think anyone in the Veteran's Advocacy groups would like to hear what happened? This should never happen again.